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3. Work Order Module

Work Order List

  1. This module can be accessed by clicking Work Orders > List WO link on the sidebar.
  2. Click link under “Work Order No” to see more information belong to the Work Order No. It will lead to Edit Work Order page.
  3. Click 🔍 icon to open search text box.
  4. Fill in search text box to filter Work Order No by keywords and click Enter button.
  5. Click Filter button to filter Work Order No by status.

Work Order List

Create Work Order

  1. Select Job No from drop down list.
  2. Due Date, Customer information and others which belong to Job No will be shown automatically.
  3. Machines are selected by check the checkboxes in drop down list.
  4. Team members are selected by check the checkboxes in drop down list.
  5. Select team leader from drop list.
  6. Upload the attachment by drag and drop or browse the file.
  7. Click CREATE WORK ORDER to create a new work order.
  8. Click BACK TO LIST to go back to the previous page.

Create Work Order

Edit Work Order

  1. Click link under Attachments to download attachments.
  2. Click Service Report No link will navigate to Edit Service Report.
  3. Clicking BACK TO LIST button will navigate back to Work Order List.
  4. Clicking UPDATE button will update info of Work Order No.
  5. Clicking CANCEL button will delete the Work Order No.
  6. Clicking CREATE SERVICE REPORT will create a new service report. It will lead to Create Service Report Page.

Edit Work Order