Overtime List By Customer
- This module can be accessed from the View Overtime > By customer link on the sidebar.
- Customer can be selected from drop down list and Date range is choose from pop up calendar. Then, result list will appear.
- Fill in keyword in search text area and click Enter button to filter more on overtime list.
- Click on the PO Number link will navigate to Edit Work Order.
- ↻ icon is for Overtime List By Customer.
- 🗎PDF icon for downloading PDF format of Overtime List By Customer.
![Overtime list](/_astro/overtimelist.Phwmr1om_13CLzb.webp)
Overtime List By Employee
- This module can be accessed from the View Overtime > By employee link on the sidebar.
- Employee can be selected from drop down list and Date range is choose from pop up calendar. Then, result list will appear.
- Fill in keyword in search text area and click [Enter] button to filter more on overtime list.
- Click on the Work Order link will navigate to Edit Work Order.
- ↻ icon is for Overtime List By Employee.
- 🗎PDF icon for downloading PDF format of Overtime List By Employee.
![Overtime list by Employee](/_astro/overtimelist_employee.v-Kt6PN2_1p9PRb.webp)